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How to Organise Your Pantry with Tupperware Modular Mates

How to Organise Your Pantry with Tupperware Modular Mates

Savannah LucaxThu May 16 2024

Without proper organisation, the pantry can very quickly turn into chaos. However, with some thought and preparation, you can easily transform your pantry to make it neat, visually appealing and functional. That is where the Tupperware Modular Mates range comes in!

As you all know, Tupperware is renowned for its impressive plastic storage containers. They have a lot of different food containers to choose from, but the Modular Mates range comes out on top when it comes to pantry organisation. In this blog, we are going to look at the benefits of the Modular Mates range and guide you on which container shapes and sizes to choose. We will also explain the best way to organise your pantry with these revolutionary food containers.

Let’s jump right in!

Why We Love Tupperware Modular Mates

Tupperware Modular Mates Containers stacked on top of eachother on a pantry shelf

The Tupperware Modular Mates range is a collection of food storage containers designed to maximise space efficiency, keep food fresh, and organise your kitchen with ease. This range has a lot going for it but here are some of the key benefits:

Maximises available pantry space

Due to their stackable design, it is easy to utilise vertical space in your pantry or cupboard. The modular system allows you to stack each container on top of each other. Thanks to Tupperware's naming system, it is easy to figure out how to stack your containers best. For example, if you stack an Oval #1 and an Oval #3 container, it will be the same height as an Oval #4 container. This helps maintain a uniform aesthetic in your pantry.

Square Modular Mates in three different sizes, lined up on a pantry shelf

Wide variety of shapes and sizes

The range includes various sizes and shapes to accommodate different types of food items, from cereals and pasta to spices and baking goods. In the Modular Mates range, you can choose from Square, Rectangular, Oval and Super Oval. You can choose to purchase these containers individually or in a pre-made set, giving you the flexibility to curate the perfect collection to suit your needs. You can even get yourself matching Modular Mates Spice Jars to match your food containers!

Airtight and secure

Each container features an air-tight seal to keep food fresher for longer by preventing moisture and air from getting inside. This also keeps pests out of the pantry, whether that be ants, weevils or another invasive insect.

Despite the secure seals, the lids are designed for easy opening and closing, making them user-friendly. No more broken nails caused by struggling with stubborn container lids!

Durable and long-lasting

Made from high-quality, BPA-free plastic, these containers are durable and long-lasting, making them a reliable choice for everyday use. This plastic is also stain-resistant, meaning they’ll stay clear and transparent for their entire lifespan. They are also easy to clean and dishwasher safe, making them a convenient option for busy households.

Translucent container

Thanks to the see-through base, you don’t need to guess what is in each container. This allows for fast and easy identification of the exact ingredient you are after. These containers also have smooth windows, which makes it easy to add sticky labels for next-level organisation.

What Modular Mates Containers Should You Buy

Tupperware Modular Mates Containers Infographic

Each size in the Modular Mates range is designed to fit specific storage needs, helping to keep your pantry organised and your food fresh. The infographic (on your right) is a great starting point when it comes to building your container collection.

If you have shallow shelves, you may be a prime candidate for the Oval and Square shapes. Whereas, if you have deeper shelves, the Rectangular and Super Oval containers will be a better fit for you.

If you are specifically looking for a cereal container, the pour-all seals are a great add-on, allowing you to pour straight from the container.

Now that you have a fair idea of what container shape will work for your pantry, let's take a look at what quantity of ingredients fits in each size.

Tupperware Modular Mates Square in all sizes for perspective

Modular Mates Square

Capacity: 5 Cup/1.1L

Stores up to:

± 450 g​ cornstarch​
± 1 kg​ brown sugar​
± 500 g​ nuts (pecans/walnuts)​
± 390 g​ dried coconut shreds​
± 1 kg​ popcorn kernels
± 850 g lentils
± 280 g bag mini marshmallows
± 800 g quinoa​

Square #2

Capacity: 11 Cup/2.6L

Stores up to:

± 1.4 kg all-purpose flour
± 2.3 kg granulated sugar​
± 1 kg​ powdered milk
± 340 g corn flakes​
± 340 g bag regular marshmallows
± 1.8 kg dry white beans​

Square #3

Capacity: 17 Cup/4L

Stores up to:

± 2.3 kg all-purpose flour
± 2.3 kg cornmeal
± 1.4 kg​ rice
± 1.4 kg small pasta shapes

Square #4

Capacity: 23 Cup/5.5L

Stores up to:

± 3.6 kg all-purpose flour
± 4.5 kg granulated sugar
± 3.6 kg​ rice
± 1.1 kg rolled oats

Tupperware Modular Mates Rectangular next to eachother to show perspective

Modular Mates Rectangular

Rectangular #1

Capacity: 8 ½ Cup/2L

Stores up to:

± 907 g powdered sugar
± 453 g shelled roasted peanuts
± 907 g beans
± 453 g coffee beans
± 283 g croutons
100 tea bags

Rectangular #2

Capacity: 18 Cup/4.3L

Ideal for: Sugar, flour, snack packs, coffee, pretzels and more

Rectangular #3

Capacity: 27 ½ Cup/6.5L

Stores up to:

± 3.6 kg all-purpose flour
± 4.5 kg granulated sugar
± 4.5 kg​ rice
± 907 g mini pretzels
± 411 g tortilla chips

Rectangular #4

Capacity: 37 Cup/8.7L

Stores up to:

± 4.5 kg all-purpose flour
± 6.8 kg granulated sugar
± 6.8 kg​ rice
± 1.36 kg thin pretzels
± 567 g tortilla chips

Tupperware Oval Modular Mates next to each other to show perspective

Modular Mates Oval

Oval #1

Capacity: 2 Cup/500mL

Stores up to:

± 300-350 g raisins and other dry fruits
± 500 g fine salt
± 250 g spices
± 150 g instant coffee
± 200 g loose black tea​

Oval #2

Capacity: 4 ¾ Cup/1.1L

Stores up to:

± 450 g cornstarch​
± 1 kg​ granulated sugar​
± 600 g sugar cubes​
± 500 g​ nuts (pecans/walnuts)​
± 650 g​ raisins or other dry fruits​
± 1 kg​ fine salt​
± 850 g lentils​
± 800 g​ dry white beans
± 800 g​ quinoa​
± 800 g bulgur​
± 300g instant coffee ​
± 400 g​ loose black tea​

Oval #3

Capacity: 7 ¼ Cup/1.7L

Stores up to:

± 450 g​ cornstarch​
± 1 kg​ granulated sugar​
± 600 g sugar cubes​
± 500 g nuts (pecans/walnuts)​
± 650 g​ raisins or other dry fruits​
± 1 kg​ fine salt​
± 850 g lentils​
± 800 g​ dry white beans
± 800 g​ quinoa​
± 800 g bulgur​
± 300 g instant coffee ​
± 400 g loose black tea​

Oval #4

Capacity: 9 ¾ Cup/2.3L
Stores up to:

± 1.3 kg all-purpose flour
± 2 kg​ granulated sugar​
± 1 kg​ oats/oatmeal​
± 300 g corn flakes​
± 1.6-1.9 kg​ rice
± 650-700 g​ coffee beans

Oval #5

Capacity: 12 ¼ Cup/2.9L

Stores up to:

± 1.7 kg​ all-purpose flour
± 2.5 kg granulated sugar​
± 1.2 kg​ milk powder
± 350-400g corn flakes​
± 2 kg lentils
± 2 kg​ dry white beans​
± 1.8 kg spaghetti

Tupperware Super Oval Containers next to eachother for perspective

Modular Mates Super Oval

Super Oval #1

Capacity: 3 ½ Cup/780ml

Stores up to:

± 500 g raisins and other dry fruits
± 750 g fine salt
± 350 g spices (curry, paprika…)
± 225 g instant coffee
± 300 g loose black tea
± 550 g lentils
± 500 g​ quinoa​

Super Oval #2

Capacity: 7 ½ Cup/1.75L

Stores up to:

1 kg​ all-purpose flour
1.6 kg​ granulated sugar​
± 900 g​ sugar cubes​
± 1 kg​ shelled peanuts
± 1.6 kg fine salt
± 500 g​ unsweetened cocoa powder​
± 1.3 kg lentils
± 1.3 kg​ dry white beans​
± 1.2-1.4 kg rice
± 1.2 kg​ quinoa
± 1.2 kg​ bulgur
± 450 g​ coffee beans​
± 450 g​ instant coffee

Super Oval #3

Capacity: 11 ¾ Cup/2.8L

Stores up to:

± 1.7 kg all-purpose flour
± 2.5 kg granulated sugar​
± 1.2 kg​ milk powder
± 350-400g corn flakes​
± 2 kg lentils
± 2 kg​ dry white beans​

Super Oval #4

Capacity: 16 ½ Cup/3.9L

Stores up to:

± 1.4 kg rice
± 1.4 kg small pasta shapes
± 2.3 kg cornmeal
4-5 standard sleeves of saltine crackers

Super Oval #5

Capacity: 20 ⅓ Cup/5L

Stores up to:

± 567 g coffee beans
± 4 kg granulated sugar
1 family sized package of breakfast cereal
5-6 standard sleeves of saltine crackers

Tips for Organising Your Pantry with Modular Mates

Tupperware Modular Mates stacked in the pantry

With Modular Mates, organising your pantry will be an absolute breeze. To make it even easier, here are a few pantry organisation tips and tricks to streamline the process:

Group similar items together

Keep all baking supplies like flour, sugar, and baking soda together in one section. Store snacks, cereals, and breakfast items in another. This makes it easier to find what you need without rummaging through the entire pantry.

Grouping similar items also ensures you can quickly take stock of what you have and need to replenish, making grocery shopping more efficient.

Decant everything

Transfer dry goods from their original packaging into Modular Mates containers. This not only keeps your pantry looking neat and uniform but also helps in keeping food fresh for longer.

Decanting items into standardised containers maximises space, as these containers are designed to fit together perfectly, reducing clutter and wasted space.

Put infrequently used items closer to the back

Store items you use less often, such as specialty baking ingredients or seasonal items, at the back of the pantry. Keep everyday essentials like rice, pasta, and snacks at the front where they are easily accessible. This approach prevents frequently used items from getting lost or buried, making your pantry more practical and user-friendly.

Label everything

Label each container with its contents and expiration date. This helps in quickly identifying what you need without opening every container.

Labels also help other family members find what they need and put items back in the right place, maintaining an organised system.

Organise your spices too

Use Tupperware Modular Mates Large & Small Spice Set to organise your spices. Group them by type or usage frequency, and label them clearly.

Arranging spices in uniform containers saves space and makes it easier to find what you need while cooking. Consider a tiered shelf or spice drawer insert for even better organisation.

Discover Tupperware NZ wide at Laine Home today

The Tupperware Modular Mates range is a game-changer when it comes to pantry organisation. You won’t be able to find better plastic storage containers anywhere else! They boast airtight seals, stain-resistant plastic and a stackable design to maximise pantry space. Available in a wide range of shapes and sizes, you’ll have no trouble finding the perfect one to suit your needs. Whether you need a cereal container or a pasta/rice container, there is something for everything. Level up your pantry organisation further by planning your cupboard layout, labelling your containers, and decanting your spices into the Modular Mates Spice Sets.

At Laine Home, we are very excited to bring Tupperware back to NZ and back into Kiwi kitchens. If you are a big Tupperware fan, you’ll be pleased to hear that we are constantly expanding our range. Browse our website to view our selection of Tupperware containers, Tupperware utensils and tools (like the Tupperware Can Opener), Tupperware drink bottles and more. Happy shopping!